Imperium Solutions is fast becoming the partner of choice providing workload and demand management support to Local Authorities across the region
We have a pool of experienced QSW / OT practitioners that can complete holistic and strength-based reviews and assessments within your waiting lists and backlogs. We have been working with a neighbouring Authority and helped them work through their backlogs for 2 years. Happy to put you in touch with them.
At Imperium we put great emphasis in putting resident safety and enabling independence at the heart of our interventions with a team of experienced Qualified Social Workers and Occupational Therapist who fully understand the importance of ‘rightsizing’ and reducing care packages, to maintain a person's independence and or support in returning people home from a short-term placements or hospital environments.
Areas of work we undertake :
Occupational Therapy Assessments
• All equipment provision – • Minor / Major Works • Moving and handling cases • Cases where a mental capacity assessment (MCA) needs to be completed • DFG • Follow up Reviews • Care Package Reviews
Social Care Assessments:
Home First Reviews / D2A Annual Reviews ( Direct Payments / LD, MCA’s, CHC) Capital Depletes Care Act Assessments S117 Assessments Safeguarding Triage Service DoLS and Community DoLS / COPDOL 3/11
We are confident we can add value to your services and assist by alleviating the current pressures you face and support you moving forward to look at both the waiting list of assessments and have the interest of best outcomes for your service users.
We currently have worked in partnership with a number of LA’s,