The OT Practice are an independent occupational therapy practice providing a variety of outsourcing solutions to the NHS and local authorities throughout the UK. Established in 2010 and employing an experience full time office based team and over 350 community based Occupational Therapists.
Ending occupational therapy waiting lists: We are publishing a 2nd Edition of its white paper "Ending occupational therapy waiting lists" following another extensive Freedom Of Information project across all UK local authorities 5 years on. Featuring expert analysis from our independent authors, Dr. Jo Watson and Michael Guthrie, who draw on experience from their academic work, national leadership roles, and hands on experience at RCOT and HCPC respectively.
Drawing on data from 2019 and 2024, this edition brings a new level of perspective – not just ‘current status’, but how OT waiting lists have evolved over the last 5 years and what solutions are having an impact – providing invaluable data and insights on: -waiting times -children & adult services -methods of service delivery -cost analysis -trends in approach and their level of success, among others.
With extensive experience of waiting list outsourcing and case load management. Our forward-thinking approach allows us to tailor services to meet your needs. We are able to help with:
OT waiting list: Whether it be for major or minor adaptations, equipment assessments, trials or recommendations our team have vast experience in the delivery of an outsourced waiting list.
Moving & handling assessments: Our moving & handling team are specialists in these assessments and the following risk management procedures.
Single handed care reviews: Through rightsizing care packages local authorities are able to make significant financial savings.
EHCP assessment and delivery: For ease assessments and annual reviews can take place at school or home, and recommendations made to the authority, school and parents.
Discharge to Assess: Our experienced team are familiar with integrating with the NHS to support discharging of patients both face to face and remote environments.
DOLS waiting lists: Our DOLS waiting list clearance service is very popular with our local authority clients and offers a simple and comprehensive solution.
The OT Practice aims to deliver a professional, efficient and economical service that does not comprise on quality of care to the end client.
Please contact us for further information: or 033020249910
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We have the experience, systems and people ready to support our Local Authority clients.
How we can help Local Authorities with OT waiting lists